Monday, July 8, 2013

My First 5k - I'm doing this for me!

So, I'm headed to Indianapolis for the Scentsy Family Reunion this week and Wednesday, I'm participating in the Scentsy 5k Fun Run. I know it's not a "race" or timed, but I'm still super excited and nervous. I did a Virtual 5k last month around my neighborhood. Can you say HILLS!?!? Well my goal was under an hour and I did it in 53 minutes. So, this go round my goal is under 50 minutes. Now, I must tell you that some people have made me feel silly for that time goal. I was getting my feelings hurt at first when people would look at me like I was an idiot for setting that goal. Then I realized, who cares what THEY think!?!?! I don't need to please ANYONE. I am not a runner by nature, but I'm learning to love the feeling of being out and walking/jogging. I may not be as fast as you, but I'm pushing myself and that's what really matters. For me to run at all is a push, for me to set a time goal is a push - so I'm going to celebrate no matter what my finish time is. And I'll be proud, no matter if no one else sees the greatness of my "slow" time.

It's funny that people feel like I am doing this 5k for them. Don't they understand that it's for me and me alone? If you can do a 5k in 10 minutes, more power to you! I'll be proud of 50 minutes. Also, if you can do a 5k that fast, why aren't you pushing yourself for a full marathon or triathlon? Fitness is about pushing yourself, challenging your body to do what it was designed to do, no matter how hard it seems. This time next year, I hope to have completed several 5ks and if I'm still trying to get under 50 minutes, I'm ok with that. I'm proud if I push myself. If it's easy, I didn't try hard enough.

I believe that in every aspect of life, we should be pushing ourselves. Every muscle atrophies if not used. That includes your brain and (in my opinion) heart and soul. If I don't challenge my brain by learning new things, if I believe I have nothing left to learn or just don't want to put any effort into it, I've put myself in a sad place.  If I feel like I've done all the charity I can do, I won't touch another person in love; again, how sad! If I think I know all the Scriptures and their deeper meanings, I won't grow Spiritually or get any closer to God; that's just too sad a thought to me.

Everyday, I aim to grow, push, strive and move forward. Be it fitness and health, knowledge and education, charity and serving others or in my Spiritual walk with my Creator, Father and Friend. I am, in no way, saying that I grow leaps and bounds everyday. Sometimes I just move a minuscule amount, but forward movement is good enough for me!

I know I got off on my soapbox a little bit there, but I truly believe that every single aspect of our lives affect our entire being, physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual. When I run (jog) it's hard for me, but I know that if I can do that, I can do anything I set my mind to. You don't have to be a natural runner to push yourself to run, you don't have to be a natural giver to push yourself to give to those around you and you certainly don't have to be naturally "spiritual" to have a Spiritual relationship with God. (*Note: I am not implying that you have to "work" for God's love or relationship, but you do have to put effort and focus on learning and growing everyday)

So to sum up this "rant" post, I feel like you should be pushing yourself to be better at whatever it is that you are doing. Do it to the Glory of God and you'll want to push on even more.

Keep an eye out for my "After my First 5k" post!

God Bless,

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