Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why are we so attracted to gimmicks?

Have you ever noticed how many gimmicks there are in life? Get rich quick. Lose weight fast. Just two of the biggest areas in life that are filled with gimmicks. Why? Two areas that most of us are not happy with are our weight/body shape and our finances. Companies play on the fact that most of us what our desires NOW. We don't want to wait, we live in a "now" world.
So, why am I negative about getting rich fast or losing weight fast? Don't get me wrong, I want everyone to be as happy and successful as possible.

However, I don't want you to be rich for a week or skinny for a month. I want you to have a long, healthy, successful life. But, I don't want you to suffer the yo-yo affect brought on by the gimmicks. 

Remember that if you don't have to work for it, it won't last. Work hard, pour yourself into what you love, be committed to the journey not just the finish line and I promise your life will be happier from now on. You may still struggle with patience, but every time you struggle with patience, you're building character.

Losing weight is a hard process. It's not just about the number on the scale or the inches around the middle. That's why the pills, the crash diets, the sauna suits, the wraps and all the other crazy and extreme things people do to "be skinny" don't work.

I've tried so much of these gimmicks. Today, I weigh more than I'd like to, but I'm healthier than I've ever been. I'm happier with myself than I've ever been. I'm more active than I've ever been. So, what's different now? What makes me happy with my journey instead of just anxious for the finish line? I had to find out WHY? I had to find out what made me the way I am, the food addictions, the emotional eating, the binge eating, the starving myself, it's all because I hated my body. I absolutely hated the person I saw in the mirror. I hated her fat rolls, her bulges, her sad, tired eyes, her sloped shoulders, her downcast eyes. I found out that I was never going to change for good until I found and dealt with the root of the problem. Taking diet pills wasn't going to change that for me. Taking diet pills was going to make me weigh less, that's it. And who knows what all the side effects are for those things.

I have dealt with a lot of the roots and as they come up I continue to deal with them. But, the biggest change for me is that I learned to love myself. When I started to love who I am, I wanted to feel better and be healthier. I found these words and they perfectly put into words what I've come to know.

"I'm working a new me not because the old me is bad but because the old me can improve"

Start loving yourself and you'll be a lot less drawn to the gimmicks that bombard you.

God Bless,

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