Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Body

I have had some serious body image issues lately. I keep thinking, "I work out so hard. I eat so well (for the most part!) I have educated myself. I have gotten out of my comfort zone. But will I ever LOOK like it?"

So much of weight loss, fitness, healthy living involves others perception of us, whether that's a good thing or bad, I'll leave up to you.

But today I saw this and it made me think. Even if I'm never a size 2, even if I always have stretch marks, even if I never get my mommy makeover, my body produced a child. My body gave me a perfect son. My body protected him, nurtured him and kept him safe for 10 months. Then, my body did what only mine was designed to do, it released him (unwillingly!) and it bore the pain of delivering that 8lb chunk of a Nugget - safely and healthily!

I may not be what you see in your mind when you think of "athletic" or "fit" but I am proud of what my body has been through, what I have accomplished with it and how healthy I have become. :)

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