Sunday, December 22, 2013

What Happens When I Try to Write Blogs!

Today, I learned a few things that I wanted to blog about. The thing is, I'm not a good blogger. My blogs are not very well thought through, they are compulsive, they are written within minutes of deciding I have something to say. 
I tried writing like Sister. I tried making notes and pulling references. I tried thinking it through. Then I sat down to write and started to blog. 
One started great, then I lost my train of though. <DELETE>
One had great thought behind it, but I couldn't stay off the rabbit trails. <DELETE>
Then I took a selfie and sent it to Sister "look who's blogging" - bull.

So, hubby got the camera out to try to snap some candid photos of me writing. And this is what commenced:

 Someone had to creep in on my photo shoot. 

 That turd needed some of my cider.


 I think I'm checking Facebook here. 

 I'm super serious about replying to comments. 

 "Hubby, make sure you get my "notes". lol

Cutest photo bomber ever. 

Next time, I'm just going to whip out the laptop and get to typing! That's how I do my bestest work! 
Peace out, ya'll. Pizza's bout to be here ♥


  1. That attention span issue might be from me, I have the attention span of a gnat at times. Adderall seems to help, so there is help available!

  2. You write a lot more posts than I do and they're all great so maybe your way IS better lol
