Monday, December 30, 2013

Satan Hates Marriage

Did you know that God ordained marriage? Did you know that He loves marriage and treasures it so much that He uses marriage as a way for us to understand the relationship that exists between Christ and His church? Marriage is beautiful!

So, of course satan hates it. So, he whittles away at the foundation, he destroys the very definition of marriage. How? By destroying the very image of what marriage is. Most people today do not see marriage as a happy godly union. They see bondage, boredom and something "old fashioned." Today, it is vastly more common to meet people on a secondary marriage, not the first. It's also getting incredibly common for people not to ever marry. They live with one person after another, sleep with whomever they want and as many people as they want, they have children with multiple "partners" and yet they never marry? Why? Because satan has whittled away so greatly at the foundation that most people think marriage is a waste of time, something too old fashioned to work in today's world.

Please understand that I am NOT bashing anyone that has been divorced, remarried or anything else. I am simply sharing my heart on the matter of how our views are changing and I believe wholeheartedly that satan is the destroyer of marriage and all of its beauty.

I want you to understand that marriage is not old fashioned, it's not inconvenient or a waste of time. Marriage is beautiful, it's ordained by God to teach us about how Christ loves the church and is committed to "her" completely. Marriage is hard, it's work and some days it's really not any fun. BUT, just like anything else in life, if it's worth more than anything, it costs more than anything and requires more work than anything.

Let's think about some ways in which satan attacks marriage...

1) He destroys the very idealistic image of it. Children have seen their parents fight and argue throughout their childhood, they have witnessed abuse, affairs and divorce. Why would a child who has seen these things ever even consider marriage? They think marriage is a temporary thing not a lifetime commitment. Some parents "stay together for the kids." In this case, the child doesn't grow up with a healthy understanding of love and marriage. Children need to see what real love and commitment is. They need to see parents that have an emotional, physical and spiritual relationship with each other FIRST and then see these loving relationships played out in their other relationships including with their children.

2) He makes divorce an option. He creates the "way out." Did you know that once upon a time, divorces were so hard to get that people were more focused on making their marriages work than just immediately choosing divorce. Now, I've literally heard people getting married say "if it doesn't work out, we can always get divorced, no harm." This is an incredibly sad mindset to me. Marriage should be valued above all else. People will work hard to adapt to other things in life, but can so easily give up on the thing that should be one of the most treasured and esteemed.

3) Cheating, affairs and "innocent" flirting are all touted as being normal and acceptable. Satan uses television, songs, movies and general media to desensitize and demoralize us everyday. He just chips away at the foundation of what we know as right and wrong. Because we are constantly bombarded by all the negative and "wrongs," we tend to not be as affected or shocked anymore. So, do we have to avoid all media, books, radio, etc? That's not, at all, what I'm trying to say. That is absolutely between you and God personally. But, I will definitely say that you must pray for the Holy Spirit to guard your heart and mind.

In these ways, satan is and has whittled and chipped away at the beauty of marriage. He has destroyed the very foundation and fiber of marriage. Why? Because then we can't even fathom how the relationship between Christ and His church is supposed to be, we can't understand the parallel. For us to lose that very important parallel is a great accomplishment for satan. BUT, I know that our God is stronger! He can win. He won't beat you over the head with it, He won't manipulate or trick you, He will show you the way, He will offer it to you, but it's your choice if you want to follow Him.

He has an incredible plan for your life and He will guide you into the beauty of all the goodness He has to offer. If marriage is part of that plan, I promise that if you make Him the center of your union, it will be incredible, unbreakable and strong.

You may be asking yourself if I believe in the solidarity of marriage and the beauty, why would I write an entire blog post dedicated to how satan is attacking it. I wrote this because I'm seeing marriages suffering, falling apart and struggling all around me. You must understand the battle if you are to be properly armed and ready to battle. If you are married, please take time every day to pray that God strengthens your marriage from the inside out. Pray that He surrounds your union with His protection. Every day, put on the armor of God and guard against the wiles of the devil. You can change the world's view of marriage, show them what a godly marriage looks like, show them how beautiful a marriage centered around Him can be, teach them what the marriage between Christ and His church looks like.

I am praying for you. Every married person reading this and every married person I know, you're in my prayers and I truly love you. I also believe wholeheartedly that we CAN have the marriages that God intends.

God Bless,


  1. Very well said, Melissa. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Well written and well thought out. Thanks for shining "The Light" on what Satan would rather have kept in the dark.
