Saturday, October 20, 2018

That Girl/This Girl

Have you ever posted a past photo of yourself that was thinner or more athletic or dressed better or whatever? I have done it a lot of times. I thought I was inspiring myself with comments like "that girl had her crap together and this girl is working hard to get back to being her..."
I realized, one day recently, that I am disrespecting myself with phrases like this. I am not practicing self-love when I say things like this. "Why," you may be asking. I am the same girl! I am one person. This person has a journey through life. At times, this ONE person may be thinner, stronger, better dressed, more successful in career, happier in a relationship, more organized in home life, financially more secure, a better parent, etc. But, it's not that I have lived more than one life, because we're only given one to live. By declaring that "that girl" had something that I want and that "this girl" has to do something to become her again, is saying that "this girl" is a failing and "that girl" was a success.

I have to stop disrespecting myself in this way. So, let me say it this way. "I really felt great when I was working out daily and taking care of myself physically. I have gotten busy making my home life happier or my career stronger or whatever, but I need to find the balance to take care of all areas of my life." I don't need to disrespect my present spot on life's timeline in order to glorify a past success.

The great thing about life is that I am actually both of these people! I am the same girl that succeeded in weight loss and physical health as I am today with a happier home life that sometimes makes me want to skip workouts in order to laugh and enjoy the company of my husband and two teenagers.

Let's just take a little time today to remember that self-love is one of the most important parts of this life journey. We wouldn't talk about someone else's past or present in the same way we talk about our own because it's just rude. So, I am going to be more aware of the respect I give myself; I don't deserve to be put down and neither do you!

Also, remember it's not just about the past successes being better than the present failures. We can also put down our past failures and praise our present successes in a negative way that takes away from our success. If you were an addict previously and have overcome that; don't say "that person" was such a loser and made all the wrong choices, but "this person" has their crap together. Why not, celebrate where you are today, without insulting where we were yesterday and vice versa.

Let's just remember to respect ourselves past, present and future!


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