Thursday, July 10, 2014

Be the Change

Great quote. Like, for real, AMAZING QUOTE. 

So why aren't we living in a better world?

Because we sit by and we let others do the good works, make the right choices and just smile and be happy for them. Or worse, judge them. 
The people that are seriously changing the world aren't doing it for their friends, they aren't doing it for an innumerable amount of likes on Facebook or hearts on Instagram. The people changing the world are doing it for the world. The people changing the world don't judge, don't sit back and silently make fun or talk behind your back. The people changing the world are moving so quickly and sometimes so quietly, they've come, changed and gone before you even learned their name. 
I have a few friends I think will change the world. One is a mom that has changed my beliefs on everything from breastfeeding (in public, GASP!) to leading me to actually consider an alternative to an induced, hospital, "painless" childbirth - should we choose to have another tiny - no, we aren't pregnant.

I've been thinking a lot about these things recently. Then, last night at the restaurant I manage, I was approached by a server. Their guests asked to pay for the table next to them. I spoke to the guests and explained how it would work. The lady then explained that her father was also a vet and the elderly gentleman wearing a veteran's ball cap reminded her of him. I asked the guests if they'd like to approach the man and tell him what they're doing or if they'd like me to say anything or deliver any type of message. They smiled and said no thanks. Upon their leaving, I got to deliver the news to the couple. The man, bless his heart, was hard of hearing so his wife explained it all to him. She was so touched she held my hand and cried for a few seconds. They kept looking around as though they might see the couple that graciously paid for their dinner. They asked me to tell them thank you if I was ever to see them again. In this industry, even if I do, I may not recognize them. But I will be watching for them every shift for the foreseeable future. 
Just being on the outside of the good deed felt incredible. 
But I'm not going to stop there. I may not be able to afford to buy dinner for strangers or 
set up homeless shelters. But what I can do is SOMETHING. 
I can be the change I want to see. 
I can positively affect the lives of those around me.
I can make people smile.
I can hold a door.
I can wave to my neighbor.
I can lend assistance to a person struggling to load groceries into the car. 
I can do... SOMETHING. 

I encourage you to watch this video. It touched me to the core. 


-God Belss,