Sunday, June 15, 2014

Perfection: A Sappy Father's Day Post

When I think about my dad, perfect is not a word that comes to mind. Now down't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of my daddy and I love the absolute crap out of him. But he's not perfect. He might even admit that to you ;)

You know who is perfect, though? My baby's daddy. I call him that because he isn't a perfect husband, a perfect friend, a perfect employee, etc. He's a perfect daddy. And many people may not see him that way. But our son does. And that's what matters most. He's the most caring, loving, sympathetic, empathetic, hands on, and all these other words that mean, he's a good damn father. 

He supports me and my "new" career. He spends more time with our son because of it and he doesn't complain at all. He's basically a single father on the weekends but instead of moaning about not having time with friends, he cherishes the time he has with our son. He sends me countless snap chats and videos that warm my heart and make me feel like I am sharing in their joy. 

I may not have a perfect life, but right now, in my sons eyes, he does. ♥

Happy Father's Day!! 